Minitex News articles tagged with "Webinars" (10):

Call out for guest webinar presenters and topics
Do you have something to share with the library / education community in Minnesota? Have you presented at MLA or another library-related conference and are interested in sharing the information with your peers or beyond the conference? If so, then look no futher than Minitex ROI staff.&

Registration is open for ROI Winter / Spring Webinars 2019
Registration is open! Minitex Reference Outreach & Instruction staff are offering the following webinars:

Copy Cataloging with OCLC CatExpress
Presented by Lizzy Baus, this live online course provides instruction on copy cataloging using the CatExpress interface. We will cover the copy cataloging workflow - including searching, holdings maintenance, exporting and downloading records. After completing this course, the learner will be prepared to fully utilize the CatExpress service.

Upcoming ALCTS webinars
The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS) is offering several webinars in the coming weeks that you might like to attend. You can view the list and register for sessions on the ALCTS Online Learning page.

ALCTS webinar summary: Introduction to Python and PyMARC, Part 2
I attended the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services webinar Introduction to Python and PyMARC: Session 2. Presenter Lauren Magnusson (California State University San Marcos) continued her discussion of some of the many uses for the Python programming language and the PyMARC module.

ALCTS webinar summary: Introduction to Python and PyMARC, Part 1
I attended the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services webinar Introduction to Python and PyMARC: Session 1. The presenter, Lauren Magnusson (California State University San Marcos), gave a really nice introduction to the programming language Python and how it could be useful to library staff working with bibliographic data. Python is robust and can be used for writing scripts to clean up, transform, and analyze data. PyMARC is the module used for working with MARC records specifically.

Upcoming ALCTS webinar: Cataloging, Gender, and RDA Rule 9.7
The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS), a division of ALA, is offering a webinar exploring the issues surrounding RDA Rule 9.7. This is the rule that concerns recording a person's gender in the name authority record. Previously the instructions provided exactly three controlled-vocabulary options: male, female, or not known. This webinar will provide a basic introduction to queer theory and gender non-binary identities, explain the process a group of catalogers took to get the rule changed, and describe current best practices for recording gender in RDA name authority records.

Recording available: Library of Congress BIBFRAME developments
The Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) recently offered a free webinar outlining the Library of Congress' BIBFRAME-related initiatives. Several speakers discussed completed, ongoing, and upcoming projects, including LC's BIBFRAME Pilot Phases 1 and 2, implementation of BIBFRAME version 2.0 in various tools, and development of new BIBFRAME profiles. They also spoke of the relationship between RDA and BIBFRAME 2.0 as well as several Linked Data projects outside the Library of Congress.The recording and slides from this very informative webinar are now freely available on the ALCTS website.

ALCTS offers Library of Congress Classification series
ALCTS (Association for Library Collections & Technical Services, a division of ALA) is offering a series of two webinars on LC Classification (LCC). Hosted by Minnesota's own Bobby Bothmann in September, the Introduction level webinar will "briefly introduce the history of LC Classification (LCC) and the general principles of classification," while the Intermediate level "will focus on the selection and construction of LC Classification (LCC) call numbers."