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Minitex News articles tagged with "PebbleGo" (4):

PebbleGo updates and new Educator Resources page has a new look! Find lesson plans and activities, downloadables, and training links on the new Educator Resources site.

Back to school with PebbleGo and PebbleGo Next

As the school year approaches, educators are encouraged to incorporate the Minnesota standards regarding Indigenous Peoples’ History into their curriculum. PebbleGo Next offers a valuable resource for introducing this and many other topics to young learners.

PebbleGo and PebbleGo Next now merged

Our new Capstone resources for elementary school students, PebbleGo and PebbleGo Next, can now be found under one link.

Capstone's PebbleGo and PebbleGo Next now part of ELM

You may already know, but if not, PebbleGo and PebbleGo Next are now available via eLibrary Minnesota (ELM). Capstone, "a trusted children’s publisher and interactive content producer" headquartered in Mankato, Minnesota, offers many education-related resources including print, digital, and blended media products. Via ELM, you can access PebbleGo: Animals and Biographies and PebbleGo Next: States and American Indian Studies.