Minitex News articles tagged with "MarcEdit" (6):

New MarcEdit workshop coming in June
MarcEdit software can create, manipulate, and transform library metadata in a variety of MARC formats and standards. This workshop is delivered over Zoom, but is not a passive experience. Participants will be using MarcEdit and learning how to work with data with an instructor.

New MarcEdit Workshop added and Technical Services Symposium still open!
Due to high demand, we have added a second session of our MarcEdit 7 Advanced Tools workshop, led by MarcEdit’s creator Terry Reese. This session will cover exactly the same material as the previously scheduled workshop and will meet the previous afternoon, Tuesday December 5, at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities campus.
There are also still plenty of seats left for the Minitex Technical Services Symposium: Linked Data and the Future on Wednesday, December 6. Join colleagues to hear Jean Godby of OCLC Research speak on Linked Data, followed by a panel on local practices, and continue the conversation over lunch!

Registration open for Minitex Technical Services Symposium: Linked Data and the Future
Register now for the inaugural Minitex Technical Services Symposium: Linked Data and the Future. The symposium will take place at Metro State University on Wednesday, December 6 from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., and an advanced MarcEdit workshop will be offered from 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

DATE CHANGE: Minitex Technical Services Symposium: Linked Data and the Future
Join us for a half-day technical services symposium and an advanced MarcEdit workshop on Wednesday, December 6th. This inaugural conference will focus on what technical services practitioners face in the near and middle future. Topics will include Linked Data, BIBFRAME, and local practices happening right now in a library near you.

Save the date for the Minitex Technical Services Symposium!
This inaugural conference will focus on what technical services practitioners face in the near and middle future. Topics will include Linked Data, BIBFRAME, and local practices happening right now in a library near you.

Minitex MarcEdit Basics workshop announced
In this half-day workshop, guest presenter Bobby Bothmann will guide you through the basics of MarcEdit and give you enough tools and information to get started making MarcEdit work for you! The workshop will take place on July 18th in Wilson Library on the West Bank of the University of Minnesota, 12:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.