Minitex News articles tagged with "Instruction" (60):

Upcoming ACRL Instruction Section’s Management & Leadership Committee Discussion Forums
Upcoming discussion forum presented by the ACRL Instruction Section’s Management & Leadership Committee:
“Using the Framework to Foster Conversations about Information Literacy Instruction” with Sara D. Miller and Amanda Nichols Hess

What do faculty think of libraries?
The Ithaka S+R U.S. Faculty Survey is conducted every three years and asks higher education faculty to reflect on libraries in the context of their research and instruction. As such it highlights overarching trends affecting academic libraries.

CORA: Community of Online Research Assignments for Faculty & Librarians
If you haven't already done so, the Community of Online Research Assignments (CORA), is worth exploring and bookmarking especially if you do any teaching. Funded from a grant provided by the Statewide California Electronic Library Consorti

Classroom Assessment Techniques for Librarians - A Review by Jessica Moore
In their book Classroom Assessment Techniques for Librarians, Melissa Bowles-Terry and Cassandra Kvenild build upon the ideas from Tom Angelo’s classic book Classroom Assessment Techniques with applications for information literacy instruction.

Teaching at the Intersections: Aligning Scholarly Communication and Information Literacy in the One-Shot Library Instruction Session
Thursday, 4/7/2016 - 1:00 PM-2:00 PM (Central)

Two concrete activities to teach theoretical info lit concepts
A recent conversation on the [acrlframe] discussion list revolved around ways to teach first-year college students the difference between types of information sources.

Teaching with Primary Sources, a RUSA History Section Webinar
The History Section of ALA's Reference and User Services Association invites you to their webinar, Teaching with Primary Sources, on Wednesday, April 20, 2016 - 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm (Central)

Websites That Smell?!
You’ve likely heard of various mnemonic acronyms designed to help students remember the checklist for evaluating information and websites.

Lifelong Learning Practices of Recent Grads
If you’re not already familiar with Project Information Literacy (PIL), in short, it's a “large-scale, national study about early adults and their research habits, conducted in partnership with the University of Washington's iSchool.”&