Ebooks MN
Minitex News articles tagged with "Ebooks MN" (89):

Celebrate Women's History Month with ELM and Ebooks Minnesota
March is Women's History Month and eLibrary Minnesota and Ebooks Minnesota have a great collection of biographies, books, and resources on women from all walks of life that have made contributions to American history.

MackinVIA customers add the Ebooks Minnesota collection to your school's MackinVIA account
If you are a MackinVIA customer be sure to take advantage of adding the Ebooks Minnesota collection to your school's MackinVIA account.

History Day resources available in Ebooks Minnesota
If you're working with students on a National History Day 2022 project, Ebooks Minnesota has loads of books relevant to this year's theme, Debate & Diplomacy in History.

Ebooks Minnesota MARC records available for children's and middle grade titles
MARC records are now available for children's and middle-grade titles in Ebooks Minnesota.

Women's History Month and Ebooks Minnesota
This year we have the first female U.S. Vice President and the first woman coach in Super Bowl history. Women are beginning to get some of the recognition they deserve and that is why celebrating Women's History Month is more important now than ever. By recognizing the contributions of women throughout time, and in the present day, Women's History Month helps to open up that world of possibilities to young girls.

Ebooks Minnesota is celebrating 5 years
On February 28th of this year Ebooks Minnesota will be celebrating its 5th year as a Minitex program, thanks in part to MDE and State Library Services. What began as a pilot program in 2016 with just over 3,500 titles, has grown in scope and content to a whopping 11,000+ books. The best part is that it continues to grow.

Multicultural Children's Book Day is January 29th
January 29, 2021, is celebrated as Multicultural Children's Book Day, a day to "not only raise awareness for the kid’s books that celebrate diversity but to get more of these books into classrooms and libraries."

Native American Heritage Month resources
November is Native American Heritage Month, a celebration of the many varied Native American cultures. Here are some resources available through eLibrary Minnesota.

Popular titles in Ebooks Minnesota
Once again, I'm curious to see what Minnesotan's are reading in Ebooks Minnesota. I checked on this a few months ago and you can see those titles in my article What are Minnesotans reading in Ebooks MN during this pandemic? Time has moved on, and while we are still in the midst of this pandemic, popular titles in Ebooks Minnesota have changed a bit.

Help inform Ebooks MN collections: Apply to join the Collection Development Task Force
Would you like to take part in the work of the Ebooks MN Collection Development Task Force? We invite Minnesota library staff and educators to apply to join existing members of the Task Force by completing a short application.