Minitex News articles tagged with "Digitization" (9):

Coming this Spring: Digital Project Skills series from Minitex
Minitex will offer an introductory Digital Project Skills series on digitizing collections, metadata for digital collections, and preserving digital collections. The series is designed for staff of any library, archive, museum, or other organization planning or already working on digital projects. No previous knowledge is assumed.

Spring Minitex course offered: Digital Project Skills
Are you planning a digital project/program at your organization, but unsure where to begin? Attend this virtual course to learn about digital imaging (scanning), metadata standards and best practices, and how to protect and preserve the content you've digitized. This 2-part virtual course will take place on May 19th and May 24th.

New Minitex course offered: Digital Project Skills
Are you planning a digital project/program at your organization, but unsure where to begin? Attend this virtual course to learn about digital imaging (scanning), metadata standards and best practices, and how to protect and preserve the content you've digitized. This 2-part virtual course will take place on March 30th and April 1st.

NEDCC Crowdfunding Update
Sandy Island Plantation Journals / Almanacs 1792–1798
These three almanacs provide an in-depth look at life and labor on an 18th century plantation, but the books are worn, with faded ink and torn pages. Dating from 1792, 1797, and 179

Coming soon: Large format scanner for loan!
The Minitex Scan for Keeps equipment lending program will soon have a new kit for loan! Due to several requests, we are adding a scanner capable of capturing large format documents and images, up to 11" x 17". Like our other scanning kits, this kit will include various accessories and a laptop.
Images: Digitization and Preservation of Special Collections in Libraries, Museums, and Archives
This virtual conference will focus on a variety of practical concerns surrounding digitization efforts and long-term preservation of images in the digital environment.

New OCLC report: The State of Digitization in US Public and State Libraries
A new OCLC report Advancing the National Digital Platform: The State of Digitization in US Public and State Libraries contains findings from a needs assessement and gap analysis of public library digitization activities. The findings in this report will inform planning around participation in the National Digital Platform (NDP), and also includes recommendations by project partners that could strengthen the public library role in the NDP.

NEDCC Adds Three More Crowdfunding Initiatives for Preservation
The Northeast Document Conservation Center has added three more Crowdfunding Initiatives for Preservation

NEDCC Launches Crowdfunding Initiative for Preservation
Northeast Document Conservation Center has launched a crowdfunding initiative to involve the public in helping to save America’s historical artifacts.