Minitex News articles tagged with "Cataloging" (16):

Last chance to register for NACO Training: Secure your spot by November 1
The deadline to register for official NACO Training with Mark K. Ehlert is November 1. This training is a refresher for catalogers in the Minnesota NACO Funnel, and open to catalogers proficient with copy cataloging in a bibliographic utility.

Join the Minnesota NACO Funnel with NACO Training
Minitex is excited to offer official NACO Training with Mark K. Ehlert this spring. This training is a refresher for catalogers in the Minnesota NACO Funnel, and open to any cataloger proficient with copy cataloging in a bibliographic utility.

Join us for an introduction to cataloging
This hour-long webinar, scheduled for Thursday, January 25, is an introduction to cataloging designed for novices, library workers who know the very basics about cataloging and want an update about the state of cataloging today.

23 Linked Data Things project complete
The 23 Linked Data Things project team is delighted to announce the completion of our free, self-paced online learning project, with the publication of Thing 23: Reflections on the Future of Linked Data. This lesson shares our thoughts on the future of linked data in libraries and archives, and highlights some exciting new projects. We'd like to thank everyone who has participated and encourage you to keep sharing the project with colleagues.

23 Linked Data Things project update: Things 20-22 now available
The 23 Linked Data Things project organizers are pleased to announce that Things 20-22 are now available on the website. With help from a new guest author and returning authors, explore what you can do now with linked data in existing MARC records, learn more about data visualization options using Flourish, and practice crafting an elevator pitch to help you more easily share the value of linked data with others.

Introducing Elissah Becknell, Cataloging and Metadata Education Librarian
Elissah Becknell joins Minitex after 13 years at Minneapolis Community and Technical College. Elissah, a lifelong Minnesotan, will be devoting most of her time and energy to cataloging and metadata education.

Coming in April: RDA for Beginners
Minitex is offering RDA for Beginners, another free virtual class in the Cataloging Basics series, on April 12th. Presenter Lizzy Baus (Macalester College) will guide you through the basics and beyond, exploring the history, development, philosophy, and conceptual models of Resource Description and Access (RDA), the current cataloging standard.

Coming in March: Copy Cataloging 101
This course is designed for student workers, volunteers, and full-time staff who need to find and evaluate MARC records to add to a library catalog. No prerequisites are required!

NACO training workshop coming February 2023
Participants in the Name Authority Cooperative Program (NACO) contribute MARC authority records for titles, agents such as persons and corporate bodies, and places to the LC/NACO Authority File. Members also assist the Library of Congress with the File’s maintenance by reporting duplicate records and performing other tasks. Within NACO, groups of libraries can pool their resources to achieve these same goals without the overhead of yearly quotas. These groups are called funnels; in fact, about a dozen libraries collaborate in one such funnel here in Minnesota. The Library of Congress is looking to host an online NACO training workshop for invited guests in February 2023. Specific dates are not yet set. Minnesota NACO Funnel members are welcome to participate, as are libraries interested in joining the Funnel.

Last chance to register for Minitex Technical Services Symposium
Registration will close at noon on Monday, November 8th for the Minitex Technical Services Symposium. This year’s theme is Good Trouble: Activism and Ethics in Technical Services. The program will feature keynote speaker Beth Shoemaker, Emory University, who will discuss how we navigate ethical principles and turn those into daily practice. The second keynote will be Kenda Zellner-Smith, founder of Save the Boards Minneapolis, which seeks to preserve the art created after the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police. Six breakout sessions will follow the keynote presentations. Visit the website for the full program and to register for this event. The fee to attend is $25.00.