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Minitex News articles tagged with "Bibliolabs" (7):

MN Writes MN Reads brand to be retired

Though the MN Writes MN Reads brand is being retired, its component services to Minnesota libraries will remain. The brand is slated to be retired by March 28.

Minitex selects MackinVIA as new online platform for Ebooks Minnesota

Minitex has selected MackinVIA as the new online platform for Ebooks Minnesota. This choice comes in the wake of many months of careful planning and investigation. We are grateful to the many community members who provided their input to this process, and for the partnership and forward thinking of Bibliolabs, Ebooks Minnesota’s foundational platform vendor. We will continue to share information as we work towards full implementation of the new platform by July 1.

Indie Author Project Expert Session: Keeping the Momentum Going After NaNoWriMo

NaNoWriMo is officially behind us, and now it's time to keep that writing momentum going! Join the Indie Author Project in this Expert Session with award-winning Minnesotan indie author and writing coach, Bethany Atazadeh, to get the scoop on how to continue your progress long after November.

Minnesota Author Project winners announced

Thomas Peacock won in the Adult Fiction category for his novel "The Wolf's Trail," and Bethany Atazadeh won the YA Fiction prize for "The Stolen Kingdom," a retelling of the legend of Aladdin and his lamp. Dr. Artika Tyner and the Planting People Growing Justice Leadership Institute won in the Communities Create category for "Justice Makes a Difference."

Thousands of comics and graphic novels available online for Minnesotans this summer

The Virtual Libraries Comic Convention and Bibliolabs are making more than 4,000 comics, graphic novels, and other childrens' materials available to Minnesota readers for free online over the duration of this summer. The collection is accessible online using the same geolocation system employed by Ebooks Minnesota.

Steve South wins 2019 Minnesota Author Project prize in Young Adult Fiction

Steve South and his novel “The Queen of Steel and Fire” have been awarded the Minnesota Author Project prize in Young Adult Fiction for 2019.

Sarah Hanley wins 2019 Minnesota Author Project prize in Adult Fiction

Sarah Hanley has been awarded this year’s Minnesota Author Project prize in Adult Fiction for her novel, "Matka." The prize was announced on September 19 at the Minnesota Library Association Annual Conference at Mystic Lake Casino.