In 50 years of service to libraries, Minitex has never shied from a challenge. Minitex's groundbreaking delivery service to Little Free Libraries launched four years ago today, enabling library patrons to borrow books from 50,000 Little Free Libraries in more than 70 countries. In theory, at least.
As part of the recent RDA Toolkit website redesign, the update and development blogs have been moved to a new platform. The RDA Steering Committee (RSC) decided to move to LiveJournal, one of the first mainstream blogging platforms founded in 1999.
When Minitex's head of IT, Paul Swanson, proposed a "Bring Your Pet to Work Day," it was a no-brainer for Valerie Horton, Minitex's director. A staff survey had recently confirmed that 106 percent of the Minitex staff loves cats.