Academic Libraries
Minitex News articles tagged with "Academic Libraries" (10):

Rare books and plentiful services at Carleton College's Gould Library
With its student union under renovation, the library at Carleton College has become an even more important center of student and faculty life. It houses an impressive collection of first editions, alongside well-appointed study spaces and a staff that is eager to help.

Kanopy BASE consortial discount
Kanopy is continuing their group-wide discount to Minitex academic libraries for Kanopy BASE—Bundled Academic Subscription for Education. Kanopy BASE centers on a foundational package of up to 10,000 titles that is unmatched in the industry.

New webinar in Minitex library advocacy series on demonstrating value and impact of Academic Libraries
We're pleased to announce another webinar in the Minitex advocacy series! Lynn Silipigni Connaway from OCLC (Executive Director, Research) will present "The Power of Collaboration and Communication: Demonstrating Value and Impact of Academic Libraries in Uncertain Times."

Study on Choosing Work in Libraries and Emotional Regulation: Call for participants
Academic library workers are invited to participate in a research study on individual motivations for choosing work in academic libraries as well as expectations of emotional regulation and expression in the workplace in the United States.

Gustavus Adolphus College seeks Academic Librarian
Gustavus Adolphus College invites applications for a full-time, one-semester position of Academic Librarian at the Visiting Instructor rank in the Folke Bernadotte Memorial Library to begin January 4, 2021 and ending May 31, 2021.

Gustavus Adolphus College seeks Visiting Instructor as an Academic Librarian

ROI year in review
It was a busy year for the Minitex Reference Outreach & Instruction (ROI) librarians! We are excited about the continued high use of the ELM databases, the incredible increase in the number of books accessed in

Libraries Transforming Communities: Using reflective structured dialogue
I attended the webinar Reflective Structured Dialogue Method with Essential Partners, which featured John Sarrouf (Essential Partners, a partner in the series) and Harriet Hayes (Bridgewater College). The purpose of reflective structured dialogue is to improve communication in order to enhace curiosity, mutual understanding, and respect. What follows is a summary of the second webinar in the ALA Libraries Transforming Communities three-part series.

Libraries Transforming Communities: Introduction to Dialogue & Deliberation
Facing a divided nation, the American Library Association (ALA) Public Programs Office and the National Coalition for Dialogue & Deliberation (NCDD) are offering a free learning series to explore various dialogue facilitation approaches to position libraries to foster conversation and lead change in their communities. I'm currently attending the three-part academic libraries series, and what follows is a summary from the first webinar, Libraries Transforming Communities: Introduction to Dialogue & Deliberation.

What do faculty think of libraries?
The Ithaka S+R U.S. Faculty Survey is conducted every three years and asks higher education faculty to reflect on libraries in the context of their research and instruction. As such it highlights overarching trends affecting academic libraries.