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AI Research Tools Petting Zoo

Mozhdeh Khodarahmi (Associate Library Director of Access, Instruction, and Research Services) and Brigid McCreery (Research and Instruction Librarian) from Macalester College will present. Mozhdeh has been immersing herself in the study of artificial intelligence since early 2023 and undertook a project this summer to test AI tools designed to help academic researchers with literature reviews and hypothesis generation. In this session, we will learn how to leverage two powerful AI academic search tools: Elicit and Semantic Scholar, as well as two AI visual representation and literature mapping Tools: ResearchRabbit and Open Knowledge Maps.

AI Knowledge Bytes : Artificial Intelligence in Libraries Lunch ‘n Learn Series

The purpose of this series is to learn and explore the tangible applications and implementations of Artificial Intelligence (AI) across all types of libraries in the Minitex region. AI is fast developing and it is difficult to keep up with all the latest developments, let alone explore them all yourself! The format will be 20-40 minute bite sized presentations with Q&A or demonstrations on a variety of topics. Please register for all the sessions you are interested in attending.

Staff contact
Elissah Becknell

Cataloging and Metadata Education Librarian