- Took place Oct 25, 2023
This webinar is the first in a four-part series, presented by Minitex and MLA. The series is designed to give library staff the knowledge they need to do a better job running meetings as well as participating in them. Professional Registered Parliamentarian Pat Reymann will lead the sessions. Reymann has supported the Minnesota Library Association in past years both as a consultant and as a popular presenter at the MLA Annual Conference.
Attending all four sessions is ideal, but participants may also register for individual sessions as their availability and interests dictate. Registration must be completed separately for each session.
- October 25 - What Happens at Meetings? Topics covered: Roles of the President and Secretary, quorum, order of business, setting an agenda. RECORDING
- November 8 - Handling Motions. Topics covered: How to process motions, debate. RECORDING
- November 22 - Special Motions. Topics covered: Amendments, postponements, referals to committee. RECORDING
- December 6 - Voting Plus. Topics covered: Methods of voting, majority versus two thirds, unanimous consent. RECORDING
The primary text for the series is "Roberts Rules of Order In Brief." Acquiring the book is not required, but recommended. It is widely available, including via MNLINK and the Roberts Rules of Order website.