Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development
Minitex News articles tagged with "Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development" (8):

DEED offers "A Guide to Starting a Business in Minnesota" ebook
The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development is now offering its popular "A Guide to Starting a Business in Minnesota" as an ebook. Libraries may add this valuable resource to their catalogs at no charge.

DEED announces federal approval of Digital Opportunity Plan
DEED’s Digital Opportunity Plan, produced by the Office of Broadband Development (OBD), details how Minnesota will use its Internet for All grant funding to expand digital access. The plan identified six major objectives, including coordinating with ISPs to support newly connected households needing education and resources.

Registration open for DEED's Celebrating 10 Years of Connecting One Minnesota Conference
Register today to join the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development in Brooklyn Center on March 12 to celebrate connection and discuss ways to improve collaboration.

Save the date for DEED's 'Celebrating 10 Years of Connecting One Minnesota' event
Join the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development in Brooklyn Center on March 12 to celebrate connection and discuss ways to improve collaboration.

Frykberg's DEED Library stands firm as times shift
In honor of the 50th anniversary of the Capitol Area Library Consortium (CALCO), we are profiling a number of its members for our readers. The Department of Employment & Economic Development (DEED) Library was founded in 2003. Under the able leadership of Dru Frykberg, the library has successfully navigated a mid-pandemic move and a shifting workplace environment.

Minnesota's Office of Broadband Development invites public comment on draft Digital Opportunity Plan
Minnesota’s Office of Broadband Development (OBD) has released its draft Digital Opportunity Plan. The comment period for the plan is now open, and will close September 29. Listening sessions are scheduled in 16 locations across Minnesota, and virtually. An online comment form is also available. Once finalized, the plan will guide the investment of $20 million.
Become an ambassador for education and workforce training
Minitex is hosting two free webinars, led by staff from the Minnesota Office of Higher Education, to train new Forward Together Ambassadors. Ambassadors will be trained to support members of their community in their quest to learn new job skills or take the next step in their educational journey. A two-part webinar is scheduled for September 14-15.
Minnesota's adult-education collaborative Forward Together issues call for organizational and individual partners
Forward together is a collaborative discussion among leaders in education, industry and community focused on reaching the educational attainment goal by increasing the number of adults enrolling in and completing an education or training program in Minnesota. Forward Together invites passionate individuals and committed organizations to help skill up the state's workforce. Training for those who step forward begins June 29, with more to follow.