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Minitex News articles tagged with "Learn at the Library" (6):

Windows up or down? Busting car myths with eLibrary Minnesota

Today we address the age old-question when it comes to summer driving: Windows down and wind in your hair or windows up with the AC on full blast? The answer just might surprise you.

Learn at the Library: Roller coasters

Later this month, due to forces outside my control, I’ll be visiting Valleyfair to take my first ride on a roller coaster. To prepare, I wanted to learn more about how these machines operate, and what makes them special. Will that calm my fears, or make them worse? I turned to Ebooks Minnesota to find out. 

Learn to code with Ebooks Minnesota

Ebooks Minnesota's collection includes numerous titles that can help readers build new skills. "Coding," by Rane Anderson, and "Web Design with HTML 5," by Collen Van Lent offer step-by-step instructions and examples. They're ideal books for anyone interested in getting started with coding and web design.

Learn at the library: First Aid in summertime

Summer is right around the corner! That means sunshine, warm weather, more activities, and, with all the extra movement, more chances to get hurt! Now is the time to educate ourselves on first aid, using resources found in Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition.

Learn at the Library: Jewish American Heritage Month

In May, we recognize Jewish American Heritage Month. During this time, we “join together to discover, explore, and celebrate the vibrant and varied American Jewish experience from the dawn of our nation to the present day.”

Learn at the Library: The origins of Father's Day

Minitex wishes a happy Father's Day to dads far and wide. We also wish we knew more about the origins of this national holiday. Fifteen minutes of research using Minitex's online library resources led us to the answer.