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Minitex News articles tagged with "Intellectual Freedom" (5):

Slides/Recording now available: Materials and rights protected, MN Statute 134.51: 2025 update

Come hear from the MLA Legislative Committee, MLA Intellectual Freedom Committee, and State Library Services about what the "Access to Library Materials and Rights Protected" law is (and what it isn't!).

Access to Library Materials and Rights Protected: An explanation for Minnesota library workers

Minnesota recently passed legislation called Access to Library Materials and Rights Protected. It affects all publicly funded libraries. See what this legislation means for your library and check out all the resources available for library workers.

NDLA 2019 Conference recap

In late September I was able to attend and present at the North Dakota Library Association Annual Conference, held in West Fargo. All in all the 2019 NDLA Conference was enjoyable and illuminating. 

Don't Read This! Don't See This!: Censorship and the Creative Truth of Words and Art

Here's a Minneapolis Institute of Arts Library Affinity event of interest to the library community, coinciding with Banned Books Week.

Who needs libraries? Advocacy Bootcamp at the 2016 MLA Annual Conference

I had the opportunity to attend the Advocacy/Intellectual Freedom preconference at the Minnesota Library Association Annual Conference in Duluth, Minnesota, on September 28th. This was a day-long event, presented by Jamie LaRue, Director of the ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom and Marci Merola, Director of the ALA Office for Library Advocacy. The presenters covered "why library advocacy," learned about telling the library story in a compelling way, discussed how to build a library network of advocates, and other elements of an advocacy plan. The last part of the day focused on Intellectual Freedom, core ALA documents that we can refer to, what policies every library should have, emerging issues in intellectual freedom, and resources available to us from the ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom.