Dakota County Library
Minitex News articles tagged with "Dakota County Library" (7):

Reaching Dakota County Library patrons where they are: Listening to podcasts
Dakota County Library staff members Maureen Gormley and Michael Lopez are the creators of a new podcast series, "Behind the Covers." Despite their limited experience with podcasting, they are already finding listeners.

Minnesota libraries extend their service hours for families, remote workers, and others
Library open hours are constrained by staff availability and library budgets, but the needs of patrons are best met when the library is open for as many hours as possible, including at irregular times such as early mornings, evenings, and holidays. Many of Minnesota's libraries are now taking the steps necessary to extend their hours, to the great benefit of their patrons.

Dakota County Library seeks Library Senior Information Assistant
Dakota County Library seeks Library Senior Information Assistant with a base pay of $17.80/hour. This position requires a high school diploma or G.E.D., and one year of experience working with the public in an office or retail setting.

Farmington's winning combination: A top-notch staff and extended self-service hours
When Dakota County Library's branch in Farmington is open, its staff creates programming and provides in-person service that are valued by the community. When it's closed, self-service hours extend access to the library by a whopping 71 hours per week. Patrons love the combination.

American Indians in Books for Children and Teens event
Dakota County Library is hosting a live virtual program with Dr. Debbie Reese as part of their upcoming Native American and Indigenous series. Dr. Reese’s live virtual presentation will be entitled American Indians in Books for Children and Teens and is scheduled for Monday, November 8 at 7 pm.

Remembering Bill Asp
Minitex staff were saddened this week to learn of the passing of Bill Asp, a beloved champion of Minnesota libraries. Asp directed Minnesota's State Library Agency and served on the Minitex Policy Advisory Council for over 20 years. In 2010, he recorded an interview for the Minitex Oral History Project that is now available in the Minnesota Digital Library.

Dakota County Library a finalist for national medal for service
Dakota County Library is among 30 finalists for the 2021 National Medal for Museum and Library Service, the Institute of Museum and Library Services announced March 18. Dakota County Library is the only finalist from Minnesota.