by Zach Miller
Quick Summary
A team led by Scott Hreha has completed a redesign of the Minnesota Reflections website to make it easier for users to find primary sources about Minnesota history.
A team led by Scott Hreha has completed a redesign of the Minnesota Reflections website to make it easier for users to find primary sources about Minnesota history. The site now features updated branding including a new logo and color palette, increased usability, and easier browsing from the homepage. As shown in the screen capture above, visitors to the site can now easily browse by topic, contributing organization, or format, right from the homepage.
Minitex thanks the members of the redesign team for their excellent work:
- Greta Bahnemann, Minitex
- Bailey Diers, Hennepin County Library
- Kent Gerber, Bethel University
- Scott Hreha (Project Lead), Minitex
- Molly Huber, Minitex
- Zachariah Miller, Minitex
Minnesota Reflections is a collection of nearly 45,000 digitized items related to Minnesota history and culture contributed by more than 170 organizations from across Minnesota. Minnesota Reflections is a project of the Minnesota Digital Library, a service of Minitex and the University of Minnesota Libraries.