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While many of the traditional resources found in libraries, archives, museums, and other cultural heritage organizations--books, photographs, objects--can survive for years with no intervention, digital content is much more fragile. Managing it requires ongoing care and preservation activities to ensure continued access far into the future. This online course introduces fundamental concepts for managing and preserving your digital content over time.

The course will:    

  • Provide an overview of digital content management activities
  • Describe and identify specific actions to take at your organization
  • Recommend additional sources to consult 

NOTE: Optional take-home exercises and homework will be assigned in between sessions (allow for about one hour of homework between sessions).    

April 9, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Session 1: Identifying and Selecting Digital Content for Preservation
In Session 1, the presenters address the importance of identifying what types of digital content you have within your organization, introduce steps and techniques to prepare a basic digital content inventory, and prepare you to address digital content that might come your way. The second half will focus on the process of selecting content for preservation from the body of digital content you hold. This process is known by different terms in different domains--what some might call appraisal in archives, selection in libraries, or curation in museums--but there are common principles and outcomes.    

April 16, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Session 2: Storing and Protecting Digital Content for Preservation
In Session 2 you will develop an understanding of how to store and protect your digital content over time. Methods for understanding your content include capturing, creating, and retaining metadata and are essential for protecting your digital content. Additional concerns include controlling who has access internally and externally to content, assuring fixity of files through error checking, ensuring that confidential information has sufficient access controls, and ensuring digital materials are included in disaster planning. 

April 23, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Session 3: Managing Digital Content for Preservation
In Session 3 presenters will deliver an overview of the essentials of preservation program planning, implementation, and sustainability for the long-term management of digital content. A core component of preservation management is planning (policy development, resources and support), however, practical considerations of an organization's current and future environment will also need to be taken into account. In this session, presenters will also identify other issues and challenges to be aware of when providing long term access to your content.

April 30, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Session 4 (Optional): Open Office Hours

Do you have remaining questions after taking this class? Want to see more examples or delve more deeply into a tool or program introduced during a session? Join us for an informal open office hour, hosted by the instructors. 

Staff contact
Sara Ring

Continuing Education Librarian