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by Beth Staats
Those of you that watched Superbowl 2023 may have heard Sheryl Lee Ralph sing "Lift every voice and sing," also known as the Black National Anthem. The Story of the Black National Anthem, part of the Freedom's Promise series, is available in Ebooks Minnesota.
by Beth Staats
What are Minnesota residents and students frequently reading in the statewide ebook collection? Let's take a look at some of the more recently accessed titles in Ebooks Minnesota.
by Beth Staats
Ebooks Minnesota contains many award-winning books, as well as several books written by award-winning authors. As we move into 2023, I will be highlighting some of these titles via the Minitex Messenger.
by Beth Staats
Ebooks Minnesota offers books on all sorts of topics and many different genres. The charts below show the collection subject / category distribution as well as collection usage.
by Beth Staats
Ebooks Minnesota features an award-winning eReadalong book, We are grateful: Otsaliheliga, by Traci Sorell, a citizen of the Cherokee nation.  An eReadalong is an ebook fully integrated with high-quality audio production and is delivered through a streaming process.
by Beth Staats
Do you have an entire class, or classes, reading the same book at the same time? Ebooks Minnesota's licensing model allows for unlimited simultaneous use meaning multiple users can read the same ebook at the same time. There are no holds, no checkouts, or waitlists.
by Beth Staats
Do you have an entire class, or classes, reading English literature classics like Lord of the Flies, Romeo and Juliet, Catch-22, or something more recent like The Bonesetter's Daughter?  Ebooks Minnesota's licensing model allows for unlimited simultaneous use meaning multiple users can read the same ebook at the same time.
Ebooks Minnesota logo.

Minnesota's statewide ebook collection for readers of all ages