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by Ann Kaste
ERMN Attendees (and anyone interested in E-Resources in libraries): the community is alive and well! Join the new ERMN Google Group/Discussion list and attend our get together next week at the Minitex Connect Conference.
by Ann Kaste
You are already familiar with OER and Creative Commons and you enjoy searching for and reusing open works. In this workshop, offered by our friends in the SELFIN consortia, we’ll explain how truly “open” works need more than just a Creative Commons license!
by Ann Kaste
Curious about Open Educational Resources? Whether you are new to OER or actively participating in the OER movement, there is always more to do and learn. Check out OE Global's OE Week (March 7-11) events to get the basics, gather ideas, and learn more about the expanding and exciting world of OER.
by Ann Kaste
ProQuest’s TDM Studio is a solution that leverages library content to help researchers make new connections through data exploration. If researchers on your campus are seeking a data analysis tool that does not require programming knowledge to use, TDM Studio May be of interest.
by Anne Hatinen, Ann Kaste
This is the last week to register for the ERMN Conference 2022. Registration closes January 21, 2022. We hope you will join us for the conference on January 26 - 27, 2022. Also, consider registering for the optional pre-conference workshop on the afternoon of Tuesday, January 25 (“Library Carpentry: Tidy data for librarians” led by Stacie Traill and Wanda Marsolek).
by Ann Kaste
We are pleased to introduce a new option for accessing BioOne Complete: the BioOne Complete Archive. It includes permanent access to all subscribed content more than five years old and comprises more than 135,000 articles from 177 titles and 129 publishers. In other words, the Archive is a critical mass of content covering all our subject areas. Institutions who prefer to invest one-time funds rather than an annual spend will find this a great way to get into BioOne Complete, and provide your users access to a large library of content.
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